Armed robbers raid Crewe convenience store in late night attack

By Ryan Parker

20th Feb 2024 | Local News

At around 9.25pm on Sunday 18 February, two men entered the Morrisons Daily store on Gainsborough Road, with a weapon (Cheshire Police).
At around 9.25pm on Sunday 18 February, two men entered the Morrisons Daily store on Gainsborough Road, with a weapon (Cheshire Police).

Cheshire Police detectives in Crewe are appealing for witnesses and video footage, following an armed robbery at a convenience store.

At around 9.25pm on Sunday 18 February, two men entered the Morrisons Daily store on Gainsborough Road, with a weapon.

The men proceeded to steal a quantity of cash and cigarettes before making off.

Two men proceeded to steal a quantity of cash and cigarettes before making off from Gainsborough Road (Nub News).

Enquiries in relation to the incident are ongoing and officers are keen to hear from anyone with any information that may aid the investigation.

Detective sergeant Laura Fox, of CID Reactive, East, said: "Enquiries in relation to this incident are in the early stages and we are doing all we can to identify the people responsible.

"As part of our investigation I'm keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time and believes that they may have seen anything suspicious.

"I'd also ask residents in the area to check their CCTV or video doorbell footage to see if they have anything which may aid our investigation.

Enquiries in relation to the Gainsborough Road incident are ongoing, with officers keen to hear from anyone with any information that may aid the investigation (Cheshire Police).

"The same goes for any motorists with any dashcam footage."

Anyone with any information is asked to contact Cheshire police on 101, or visit the website, quoting IML 1759984.

READ MORE: South Cheshire nightclub plans to extend opening hours until 4am.

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