Merseyside man charged after stealing 'trolley full of items' from Crewe supermarket

By Ryan Parker

29th Sep 2023 | Local News

On Wednesday 27 September, Cheshire Police officers received reports of a man stealing a trolley 'full of items' from Asda Crewe Superstore, Victoria Centre (Nub News).
On Wednesday 27 September, Cheshire Police officers received reports of a man stealing a trolley 'full of items' from Asda Crewe Superstore, Victoria Centre (Nub News).

A man from Merseyside has been charged with shoplifting, after stealing over £600 worth of items in a trolley from a Crewe town centre supermarket.

On Wednesday 27 September, Cheshire Police officers received reports of a man stealing a trolley 'full of items' from Asda Crewe Superstore, Victoria Centre.

At around 1pm, Asda security officers detained the man, with police quickly arriving at the scene, arresting him for shoplifting.

Mihai-Andrei Zanfir, 35, from Merseyside has been charged with shoplifting from Crewe Asda (Cheshire Police).

The man was abusive towards Asda, with the value of the items worth over £600.

Mihai-Andrei Zanfir, 35, from Merseyside has since been charged with shoplifting.

He is set to appear at Crewe Magistrates' Court on Thursday 19 October.

On Wednesday 27 September at 1pm. a male was sighted by ASDA security acting suspiciously in store.

"He then left with a trolley full of items, with security contacting police and detaining him outside.

"Response officers attended the location and the male was arrested for shoplifting.

Mihai-Andrei Zanfir, 35, is set to appear at Crewe Magistrates' Court on Thursday 19 October (Nub News).

"He was being abusive towards staff, and the value of items in the trolley was over £600. 

"Mihai-Andrei Zanfir 35 from Merseyside has been charged with shoplifting.

"He will be appearing in court on Thursday 19 October."

READ MORE: Crewe pizza chain applies to serve food until 3am on weekends.

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