Woman pleads guilty to causing death of Crewe man, 61, by dangerous driving

By Ryan Parker

27th Jun 2024 | Local News

Oghenevwaire Shittu, of Ruskin Road, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Stephen Rae, 61, from Crewe, by danergous driving on Friday 9 February (Ryan Parker).
Oghenevwaire Shittu, of Ruskin Road, pleaded guilty to causing the death of Stephen Rae, 61, from Crewe, by danergous driving on Friday 9 February (Ryan Parker).

A woman has pleaded guilty to causing the death of a 61-year-old male pedestrian in Crewe by dangerous driving.

Oghenevwaire Shittu, of Ruskin Road, Crewe, entered the plea at Chester Crown Court on Tuesday 25 June. She is set to be sentenced on Wednesday 4 September.

The 38-year-old was charged with causing death by dangerous driving in February following the fatal collision.

Oghenevwaire Shittu, of Ruskin Road, Crewe, entered the guilty plea at Chester Crown Court on Tuesday 25 June (Wiki Commons).

Shortly before 10.10am on Friday 9 February, Shittu was driving a green BMW along Nantwich Road/ Crewe Road, Wistaston, when she collided with Stephen Rae from Crewe.

Stephen had been crossing the road and was waiting at a central refuge island clearly marked with two fluorescent bollards.

The BMW was seen on CCTV travelling towards Crewe when it made a noticeable movement from its position in the road towards the central island.

It continued to drive onto the island and hit Stephen. CCTV footage did not show any evidence of the BMW's brake lights being activated.

Members of the public rushed to Stephen's aid, who sadly suffered multiple injuries and was later pronounced dead at hospital.

Shittu was subsequently arrested at the scene. She passed drug and alcohol screening, as well as a roadside fitness procedure.

Stephen Rae from Crewe was hit by Oghenevwaire Shittu in a BMW while waiting at a central refuge island, clearly marked with two fluorescent bollards (Ryan Parker).

In interview, she gave no defence as to how the collision occurred. She said she was familiar with the road and there were no distractions inside or outside the vehicle.

She was found to have been driving without a valid licence, having only held a UK provisional licence since 2022, and was also driving without any insurance in place.

Following the guilty plea, DC Iain Condliffe said: "While I am grateful that Shittu has admitted this offence, nothing is going to bring Stephen back.

"But, I hope this brings some closure to Stephen's family and some reassurance that they will not have to sit through a trial.

"This collision could have been completely avoided if Shittu had abided by the rules of the road.

"Not only should she not have been driving due to not having a licence or insurance, but she was also evidently not paying attention to the road.

Oghenevwaire Shittu was found to have been driving without a valid licence, having only held a UK provisional licence since 2022, and was also driving without any insurance in place (Cheshire Police).

"If anything can come of this tragic incident, I hope it reminds people of the devastating consequences of not respecting the roads.

"Our thoughts remain with Stephen's family and friends at this time."

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