This is what Crewe's new bus station will look like as Royal Arcade plans go on public display

PEOPLE in Crewe will get the chance to air their views on the redevelopment of the Royal Arcade.
A public consultation is set to get underway as planners revealed artist's impressions of what the the town's new bus station will look like when it is completed by 2023.
Details of the bus interchange and an adjacent 400-space multi-storey car park, are going on display on hoardings at the corner of Queensway/Victoria Street, as well at the current bus station.
A planning application, which is being submitted next month, will outline how the redevelopment is planned to be delivered in two phases.
Phase one would see the construction of the bus station and multi-storey. While phase two will focus on the leisure and retail development, which includes a state-of-the-art cinema, 10-pin bowling centre, gym, restaurants, cafes and bars as well as other town centre enhancements.
Cheshire East Council's plans for phase one will be submitted with full details, while the phase two plans will be submitted in outline.
A spokesperson for the planning agents, Manchester-based Q&A Planning, said: "By taking this approach the general uses and the layout of the leisure and retail scheme can be considered at the same time as the bus station and multi-storey car park, leaving detailed design matters to be submitted at a later date.
"It means that the new bus station and car park would be opened ahead of the leisure
and retail space. "Together, the proposals will bring a number of key benefits for Crewe including modern transport facilities, and a significant improvement to the leisure and retail offer which in turn will provide confidence for further investment and new jobs in the town." The two-week public consultation starts on Monday, March 8 and runs until Friday, March 19. The planners say feedback received will be considered ahead of the planning application being submitted. You can also see the plans online here. An online public meeting has also been fixed for next Wednesday, March 10 at 6pm and anyone interested in attending can register by visiting - they can also submit questions in advance. Work on the site is expected to start in autumn this year. A temporary bus station layout will replace the current rundown interchange by the summer of 2022 and that will be in place during construction work on the new bus station. Both the new bus station and multi-storey are both due to open in spring 2023 when a further planning application is expected for the final design of the leisure and retail units. The target date for the completion of the full scheme, including the improvements to the public realm on Victoria Street and Queensway, is spring 2025. Feedback on the plans can be given by:- Scanning the QR code on the hoardings in Crewe town centre
- Visiting:
- Emailing: [email protected]
- By post: Q+A Planning, The Stables, Paradise Wharf, Ducie Street, Manchester M1
2JN; or
- or you can post for free in the council post box located at Delamere House