Man jailed after breaching Criminal Behaviour Order in Crewe

By Ryan Parker

17th Jun 2024 | Local News

Ian James McIntyre, 45, of no fixed abode but of Crewe, has been jailed for 18 weeks (Cheshire Police).
Ian James McIntyre, 45, of no fixed abode but of Crewe, has been jailed for 18 weeks (Cheshire Police).

A prolific shoplifting offender from the local area has been jailed, after breaching his Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) in Crewe.

Ian James McIntyre, of no fixed abode but of Crewe, appeared at Chester Magistrates' Court on Thursday 13 June where he was sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment.

McIntyre was previously handed the two-year order at Chester Magistrates' Court on Thursday 2 May, following multiple incidents of shoplifting across Crewe and the surrounding areas.

Ian James McIntyre had been banned from entering Crewe town centre and Grand Junction Retail park, as well as several shops across the town (Cheshire Police).

As a result, the 45-year-old had been banned from entering Crewe town centre and Grand Junction Retail park, as well as several shops across the town.

However, despite being handed the order, his offending continued, stealing from convenience stores in Shavington and Nantwich.

Thankfully, McIntyre's offending was brought to an end when he was identified by staff entering the Co-Operative store on Rember Street, Crewe, that he had previously been banned from under the CBO.

Upon being notified by shop staff, he was promptly arrested by officers and later charged.

He will remain subject to the CBO on his release from prison.

Police Constable Justin Taylor, of the Beat Management Team, said: "Despite being issued with a two-year criminal behaviour order, Ian McIntyre continued to cause misery to local businesses.

Despite being handed the CBO, Ian James McIntyre's offending continued, stealing from convenience stores in Shavington and Nantwich (Cheshire Police).

"Not only stealing hundreds of pounds worth of items, he caused undue stress to staff and business owners.

"Thanks to the vigilance of staff at the Co-Operative on Remer Street in Crewe and their awareness of McIntyre's CBO conditions, we were able to charge him with breaching his order after staff caught him entering the store.

"I hope his custodial sentence will reassure the businesses which were affected by his crimes and send a message to those who are intent on committing these types of offences that they will not be tolerated."

READ MORE: Burger King set to open new drive-thru in fresh Crewe attempt.

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