Calling all local businesses: Join our new EXCLUSIVE savings and discounts section
Calling all businesses in the local area: Crewe Nub News is excited to announce its new exclusive savings and discounts section - Club Nub.
With our audience of 40,000 weekly readers we are ready to help YOU increase sales.
Starting next week, Club Nub will be a dedicated section, bringing exclusive savings and discounts right to our readers - from YOU.
There will be a weekly article promoting five discounts a week, with newsletter inclusion and Facebook promotions.
For businesses, joining Club Nub will guarantee visibility and branding.
Sign up and add your details HERE - it's completely free.
We expect your exclusive discount will result in more customers and sales.
Crewe Nub News has 40,000 readers a week, nearly 20,000 social media followers, and 10,000 newsletter subscribers.
Why are we launching Club Nub?
In response to the cost-of-living crisis and the desire to make a positive impact, we are thrilled to announce the launch of Club Nub.
Over time, we aim to present thousands of pounds worth of savings, making us the go-to site for Crewe residents who wish to support local businesses while keeping a close eye on their budget.
Our mission is clear - encourage spending within the community, fostering stronger connections between our readers and the local shops they love.
As a community-driven newspaper, we understand the vital role local businesses play in shaping Crewe's identity.
In a world where every penny counts, Club Nub will ensure our readers don't miss out on any exclusive deals or promotions.
READ MORE: Police arrest Cheshire man on suspicion of 'sex offences.'
Free from clickbait, pop-up ads and unwanted surveys, Crewe Nub News is a quality online newspaper for our town.
Subscribe to our FREE weekly newsletter email HERE - just click the 'SIGN UP' button.
Please consider following Crewe Nub News on Facebook or Twitter.
New crewe Jobs Section Launched!!
Vacancies updated hourly!!
Click here: crewe jobs