Three Crewe crowdfunders you can back right now

By Alex Greensmith

27th Nov 2022 | Local News

Here's three fundraisers for charities, causes or community projects you can support in Crewe. (Image - Alexander Greensmith / Crewe Nub News)
Here's three fundraisers for charities, causes or community projects you can support in Crewe. (Image - Alexander Greensmith / Crewe Nub News)

As inflation soars and recession looms, people are in need for a bit of financial support.

And here is a trio of good causes in Crewe which could use some financial backing right now.

From charities to individuals, here are three Crewe crowdfunders you can pledge to today.

Amputee Football

A fast food restaurant in Crewe is raising money for amputee football.

Crewe's Gateway Subway is raising money for the English Amputee Football Association (EAFA).

Sandwich artists will be cycling the 60 mile trek from Crewe to Saltney to raise awareness and funds for the cause.

They want to raise £500. Donate here. More info here.

Crewe Rotary Santa Float

The Crewe Rotary Father Christmas float will be making the rounds around our town from December 1.

Crewe Rotary will be raising funds when Santa comes to meet you, so they can continue to distribute money to a plethora of local charities and community projects.

They want to raise eight grand, and are about one-eighth of the way there so far. Donate here.

Transform Flag Lane Baths

The most ambitious on this list, but perhaps with the biggest impact.

This fundraiser wants to change swimming in Crewe for the better.

Campaigners want to turn the 'well-loved but abandoned Flag Lane Baths into an amazing community space'.

Plans will include a family-friendly outdoor activity space with a community-created art installation.

£25,000 is wanted, for which you can donate to here.

READ MORE: Crewe-born artist expands prints range of hometown landmarks

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