Crewe Town Board launches recruitment drive as chairman steps down

By Ryan Parker

5th Jul 2023 | Local News

Crewe Town Board chairman, Doug Kinsman, is stepping down as chair after being in post since 2020 (Cheshire East Council).
Crewe Town Board chairman, Doug Kinsman, is stepping down as chair after being in post since 2020 (Cheshire East Council).

Crewe Town Board has launched a recruitment drive seeking several new members - with current chairman Doug Kinsman stepping down.

The chair of Crewe Town Board says he is 'extremely proud' of the work over the last three years to help propel the town's regeneration – as the board launches a fresh recruitment drive.

Doug Kinsman is stepping down as chair after being in post since 2020 and steering the board through the process to secure an allocation of £22.9m of funding from the government's Towns Fund.

Crewe's newly-approved Youth Zone development, Oak Street Car Park, has received a Towns Fund allocation of £3.7 million (OnSide).

Now that works are starting to get underway on the package of nine projects supported by the funding, he feels "it is time for me to hand over the reins."

Operations director at Crewe-based SG World, Mr Kinsman said: "From forming during a global pandemic and then going through an extraordinary period of inflationary pressures, as a board, we have faced many challenges and there have been some tough decisions.

"But, delivering for Crewe and its communities and making sure the long-term benefits of this funding are secured has always remained at the heart of our work, and I am extremely proud of what has already been achieved. 

"We are now in a position where we have funding approved for a package of nine fantastic projects and real action on the ground, can, and is, beginning.

"This transitional stage of the Towns Fund programme is a natural point to pass the leadership on to a new chair.

Crewe Town Board is looking to recruit a new chairman and upto three new members to oversee and support the delivery of the Towns Fund projects (Crewe Town Board).

"None of what has been achieved would have been possible without the support and engagement of multiple stakeholders and individual members of the community who have worked with us so positively. 

"I would also like to thank both the officers and members of Cheshire East Council and Crewe Town Council who have both supported, engaged, and encouraged much of the board's work over the last three years."

The board includes the MP for Crewe and Nantwich and representatives from Cheshire East Council, Crewe Town Council and Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership.

It is reflective of the different types of stakeholders needed to deliver successfully for the town, while also making sure that the different interests of the town are also represented.

As well as recruiting a new chair – a private sector representative – the board is also seeking up to three new members to oversee and support the delivery of the Towns Fund projects.

Crewe's approved History Centre public space development, Municipal Square, has received a Towns Fund allocation of £800,000 (Cheshire East Council).

This is as well as working with partners to drive forward Crewe's ongoing growth and regeneration.

Mr Kinsman added: "There is now a real opportunity for an enthusiastic and engaging member of the business community to take the reins of chair and to further drive forward the work of the board.

"I would encourage local business leaders to seize this opportunity to help shape the ongoing regeneration of Crewe, through a collaborative and partnership-based approach."

Expressions of interest for the roles of both chair and board member are sought by Friday 28 July and should be sent by email to: [email protected].

Crewe's approved Flag Lane Community Hub development has received a Towns Fund allocation of £3.9 million (Baily Garner/Always Ahead Charity).

A final decision on the recruitment will be made by a panel at a later date.

More information about the roles and eligibility criteria, as well as the Towns Fund projects, can be found by visiting: and clicking the 'news' tab under the 'success to date' section.

READ MORE: Former South Cheshire community pub set to be converted into funeral home and flat.

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