Bentley launches 'exciting' environmental fund to help combat climate change

By Ryan Parker

14th Jun 2023 | Local News

On Tuesday 13 June, Bentley Motors, Pyms Lane, said it will be investing an initial £3m into the Environmental Foundation fund (Nub News).
On Tuesday 13 June, Bentley Motors, Pyms Lane, said it will be investing an initial £3m into the Environmental Foundation fund (Nub News).

Crewe's Bentley Motors has launched an "exciting" environmental fund to help combat climate change - creating a fully electric car business by 2030.

On Tuesday 13 June, the Pyms Lane-headquarted company said it will be investing an initial £3m into the Environmental Foundation fund.

Bentley says the public and its employees can also make donations towards it.

This news comes after Bentley Motors said it would be launching a pure-electric vehicle every year between 2025 and 2030 (Bentley Motors).

The foundation comes after Bentley announced this January it would be launching a pure-electric vehicle every year between 2025 and 2030.

Bentley chairman and chief executive, Adrian Hallmark said: "Our Beyond100 strategy is amongst the boldest in the industry.

"We will reinvent Bentley, and create a fully electric car business by 2030, which will already be taking a huge step to reduce our environmental impact.

"However, without parallel changes to global renewable energy production, carbon capture and reduction in raw material usage, this benefit will be relatively small – it is not all about the car itself.

Bentley says the public and its employees can also make donations towards the Environmental Foundation Fund (Bentley Motors).

"Therefore, the Bentley Environmental Foundation will fund pioneering, discovery-led initiatives that can make a positive impact beyond our own business needs.

"We will be engaging customers and innovators to seek out breakthrough technologies and solutions that lead the way on reversing the effects of climate change.

"The opportunity to act and innovate has never been more exciting than now."

The foundation's initial partner projects include Project Drawdown, The Biomimicry Institute and Sustainable Surf - with more initiatives expected to be announced.

Bentley is aiming to create contemporary solutions to environmental challenges (Bentley Motors).

Bentley aims to create contemporary solutions to environmental challenges, planning to go beyond carbon neutrality - creating further rejuvenation and regeneration.

READ MORE: Promising Crewe goalkeeper pens new deal with club until 2025.

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