The changing face of funerals: Crewe funeral director reveals how Covid-19 has affected his work

Steven Linde, funeral director at Crewe Funeral Services, tells Nub News how his approach to funerals has been changed by Covid-19.
"In these unprecedented times we find ourselves in dealing with the worldwide pandemic of Covid-19, funerals have changed significantly.
Often a loved one dies in a hospital or care home without the comfort provided by the presence of family members. This is distressing for both the person at the end of their life and their loved ones.
If the person has died with Covid-19 then there will be no opportunity to say a last goodbye in the Funeral Directors Chapel of Rest due to the infection risk. This means that the funeral itself takes on even more significance for the emotional well-being of those left behind.
Current restrictions on those attending funerals limit the number of mourners to 30 who must wear face coverings and socially distance during the service itself. The opportunities to give support by offering a hug to those in distress are significantly reduced as well.
Joining in to sing a favourite hymn is also not allowed to reduce the risk of virus transmission.
Given the current use of tier areas and lockdowns many of those wishing to attend funerals cannot do so, or may themselves be shielding, so don't have the opportunity to pay their respects or say goodbye.
On a positive note technology has come to the forefront with the option to webcast a funeral service for a small fee. The next of kin is given a password to circulate to mourners so that they can go online to watch the service in real-time, or at any time for the next seven days.
This has had great benefits, and not just for UK residents, as we have recently live-streamed funeral services to the USA, New Zealand and Australia among other countries.
On an increasing number of occasions families have decided on Direct Cremation for their loved one. This is where there is no attendance at a funeral service with the cremated remains later returned to the family.
At a future date, when the pandemic has settled down, a Service of Remembrance or Celebration of Life Service can take place when family and friends can get together safely. An added advantage of a Direct Cremation is that the funeral cost is significantly less.
As a funeral director, on these occasions of Direct Cremation I always say words of committal with a blessing at the crematorium, to pay respect and acknowledge the life of the person who has died. I then supply next of kin with a copy of the words I have used to help them in their grieving process.
So what can be done to make things a little better in these difficult times?
Options include family and friends having zoom meetings to share precious memories, or asking everyone to email their memories to each other. A memory box could be started to collect these emails, letters or stories for later, safely sharing at a gathering to celebrate the life of a loved one.
A JustGiving page could be set up with some special photographs of a loved one so that friends and family can donate to the favourite charity of the deceased. This would allow people who could not attend a funeral to do something positive and feel actively involved.
If a Direct Cremation is arranged then family and friends could be asked to all play a favourite song of the person who has passed away at the exact time and date of the cremation. Everyone would be bringing together their personal memories as an act of involvement and tribute to someone special.
Most of all it's important to remember and talk about the person who has left us to keep their memory alive.
And remember, life will have meaning again, even though we may not be able to see that right now. As the late Captain Sir Tom Moore said, 'Tomorrow will be a good day'."
Visit Crewe Funeral Services here.