Photographers capture stunning wildlife images in Crewe park

TALENTED local photographers have been showing off their skills in Crewe's Queens Park with these fantastic wildlife snaps.
Several photographers have put a particular focus on the abundance of wildlife in the park for a Facebook page dedicated to Crewe's 'Jewel in the Crown'.
Among the birds they have spotted are a barnacle goose, blue tit, coot and cormorant, goosander, great tit, greylag Goose, kingfisher, a little owl, mallard, mandarin duck, a moorhen, pigeon, robin, swan and woodpecker.
Other animal species include bees and butterflies, a damselfly, rates and water voles, field mouse, squirrel and even a mink!
If you are interested in wildlife photography then some worthwhile tips from the park's regular snappers are:
- take your time
- keep the camera steady
- get lighting right
- remember the rule of thirds (focal point along horizontal and vertical dividing lines in thirds)
- do not be afraid to edit.