Crewe 'blighted' by Cheshire East Highways - Town Council Clerk unhappy with artwork roundabout mess

By Ryan Parker

28th Mar 2022 | Local News

An UNFINISHED piece of public artwork, surrounded by traffic cones on a gateway Crewe roundabout - has come under fire from Crewe Town Council.

The 'solar gazer' funded by developer Goodman Logistics on Jack Mills Way, has been left half-completed for several months.

Pete Turner, Town Clerk of Crewe, told Nub News: "To allow this at a gateway location to the principal town of Cheshire East, is yet another concern we have with Cheshire East Highways."

There is no apparent reason why the traffic cones have been left around the roundabout for several months.

Read the roundabout structure 'safety concern' story here.

Mr Turner said: "The roundabout has plastic cones around it, many no longer in place, and has been like that for some time. This is just one of numerous other issues around the town, including key gateways.

"It is a current and persistent disappointment that Crewe seems to be blighted by Cheshire East Highways' half measures."

The solar gazer was granted planning permission by Cheshire East Council in 2018, it has had no input into the artwork itself.

Mr Turner commented: "Temporary blue highways barriers are deposited at locations around Crewe, used by Cheshire East Highways as an unsatisfactory solution to ongoing and as yet unaddressed issues.

"They can be seen around the town centre, on Dunwoody Way and many other locations around Crewe.

"The temporary blue barriers at Vernon Way and Earle Street roundabout, that have been in place for over 18 months, are constantly falling over - there is no indication from Cheshire East Highways as to when these issues will be properly addressed.

"There have also been streetlights out in the town centre at Market Square, Memorial Square and Prince Albert Street for months.

Cheshire East Highways state on the Cheshire East website: "We identify road and pavement condition issues through: regular road inspections, reports from the public and information provided by our teams working on the roads."

You can report an issue about a road or pavement here.

Mr Turner added: "I truly hope that we can see some meaningful improvement from Cheshire East Highways to address these and many more long-standing issues in Crewe."

To report a problem to Cheshire East Highways you can alternatively call (0300 123 5020).

In case you missed it: Cheshire Police Crime Commissioner defends 33% pay rise he gave to his deputy - "I made a mistake."

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