General Election 2024: Meet the Crewe and Nantwich Green Party candidate

By Ryan Parker

Te Ata Browne is the Crewe and Nantwich Green Party candidate for the 2024 General Election (Nub News).
Te Ata Browne is the Crewe and Nantwich Green Party candidate for the 2024 General Election (Nub News).

Crewe and Nantwich Green Party candidate for the 2024 General Election, Te Ata Browne, says she will address pressing social issues, particularly deprivation in the area, if elected.

The former councillor and vice chairperson for Crewe Green Parish Council who lives in the constituency, believes she has gained a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities our area faces.

Te Ata told Nub News: "I am standing for the second time as a parliamentary candidate because I believe in creating a better future for our community, continuing to give people the option to vote for an alternative.

Te Ata Browne is a former councillor and vice chairperson for Crewe Green Parish Council (Ta Ata Browne).

"My journey began in New Zealand, where I was raised in a simple and off-grid manner on Great Barrier Island, which has earned the esteemed Dark Sky sanctuary status.

"This upbringing instilled in me a deep love, respect, and enduring appreciation for the natural environment. 

"Descending from a long line of feminist women, I have seen the impact of strong, dedicated women who have worked with organisations such as Women's Refuge, CND, Greenpeace, Red Cross, and Freedom for Timor.

"Their influence has inspired me to step up, igniting my belief in creating a better future for our community and the world.

"My practical expertise revolves around beekeeping and sustainable land management.

Te Ata Browne, who is an experienced political campaigner, secured 975 votes at the 2019 General Election (Cheshire East Green Party).

"As a dedicated beekeeper, I have witnessed first hand the pivotal role of pollinators in our ecosystem and the pressing need to protect them.

"My work in sustainable land management has allowed me to actively contribute to preserving and nurturing our woodlands, promoting their vitality and sustainability."

Te Ata, who is an experienced political campaigner, secured 975 votes at the 2019 General Election.

READ MORE: General Election 2024: Meet the Crewe and Nantwich Labour Party candidate.

The Crewe and Nantwich parliamentary candidate wants to see an obsession with growth in economic policy redirected to a focus on public wellbeing.

Co-leaders of The Green Party for England and Wales, Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay (The Green Party).

Te Ata said: "Residing locally, in Crewe and Nantwich, I've gained a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities our constituency presents. 

"My commitment to our community transcends my practical expertise.

"Serving as a previous councillor and vice chairperson for Crewe Green Parish Council has provided me with invaluable insights into the complexities of local governance and the necessity of effective leadership. 

"I'm committed to addressing the pressing social issues, particularly deprivation, that affect Crewe and Nantwich, with a specific focus on building a sustainable and inclusive society. 

Te Ata Browne wants to see an obsession with growth in economic policy redirected to a focus on public wellbeing (The Green Party).

"My ambitions are in line with the Green Party's core values to redirect economic policy away from an obsession with growth and towards public wellbeing."

Te Ata Browne is the Green parliamentary candidate for Crewe and Nantwich, alongside Connor Naismith (Labour), Ben Fletcher (Conservative), Matthew Theobald (Liberal Democrats) and Matt Wood (Reform UK).

READ MORE: Armed men force entry into Crewe home in 'terrifying' broad daylight robbery.

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